Friday, September 01, 2006

March Madness for Malaria

Not entirely sure how this will work, but Lance Laifer is kind of kooky (he runs Hedgefunds for Malaria, very pro-DDT). To begin with, it's March Madness style, but you are competing for the Malaria Cup (hello, department of mixed metaphors!). Any money and any publicity that raises awareness for malaria is good, though, and we'll keep a close eye on how they use the funds. So far he's got about 1000 people signed up.

I like Rick Reilly's Nothing But Nets campaign better. Probably because he's a much better writer and his website makes more sense. If only we could get the NCAA to donate a net for every point scored in the March Tournament - what a great lead-up to Africa Malaria Day (April 25)! According to my calculations, you'd get around 9,000 nets (at a cost of $90,000 bucks). Kinda weak, actually, but perhaps the publicity would be worth it?

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