Thursday, September 14, 2006


Yesterday I rode the fixie to work. I got downtown and noticed something wasn't quite right down in the cranks. Got out the allen wrenches and set to tightening the cranks as they can often get a little loose.

It wasn't the cranks.

The fixed cup had come loose. My fixed cup spanner was at home. I continued to work, cautiously. Sean didn't have a wrench but it turned out I could hand tighten the thing enough to get it to the LBS where Beth let me borrow a spanner. I should probably put some locktite on that sucker next time this happens. It's disconcerting to be all wobbly down there.

Hopped on the Nishiki this evening just to make sure it was in good shape, but it felt broken when I coasted (what is all this spinning?). So I'm leaning, at the moment, towards taking Miss P to NYC tomorrow evening, despite certain embarassment of prolonged scraping of toeclips along the street. The Nishiki is not at all lacking in style, don't get me wrong. Hopefully tonight when insomnia strikes I will figure this one out. It's coming down to safety vs. style, or, alternatively, adventure vs. fear. We know how those battles always turn out.

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