Thursday, October 12, 2006


So on Saturday night I was itching for something to do. Edith and I had done not one but TWO intense shopping sessions at the mall, due to the unexpected openness of an H&M. H&M is my favorite store and I always load up about 20 items to try on in the dressing room. 10 of them end up fitting and I buy too many of those ten. But I wear them all the time. Edith and I both needed pants for work and lo and behold we are the same size (!) which is slightly bewildering to me. Well I'm a bigger shirt size due to my wicked-powerful shoulder muscles, but we can wear the same pants. So we got a bunch of pants, mostly in brown, and some skirts. Also some shoes at Nordstrom rack and two green jackets. I feel much more hip now.

Edith was going to salsa and I had no plans so I called up Sean from Work (as opposed to Sean from Climbing) and we met up at Dizzy's with two of his friends. One knows Nate from Mali as they work at the same study abroad joint (which I, coincidentally, used to go abroad after high school). We had a great evening drinking beers. Apparently I get along with guys named Sean. He reminds me of Mike Rickard, and not just because he's a vegan and bikes and is quiet. He's got his own thing going on and whatever you think doesn't really make a difference (though I bet they both are very aware of what you're thinking). They're both tall and skinny, write and draw, have eyes, a few fingers, some teeth, etc. I don't know.

So there's a lot of Wilco being played on the jukebox and I remark upon this. Sean agrees, and I bring up the concert, and baddabingbaddaboom he wants my extra ticket! Which is currently up for auction on the good ol' ebay. I promise he can have it for what I paid if I can cancel the auction and we're set. Hooray! Wilco buddy. And we can talk bikes the whole way to DC.

He has a zine and shared it on Monday; I reciprocated by sharing the Neuf Routes newsletter link. Not sure he's read it.

Wow. Edith heard me typing and said "Are you blogging?" She's so deductive! If I were typing shorter things with more pauses and perhaps some snickering I'm sure she'd suspect me of IMing.

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