So A came down to visit Charm City friday evening, and we hit up the bar circuit first thing. Joe Squared was having their one year anniversary week and had done some really terrible chichi redecorating, which completely ruined the gritty, fry-oil-and-smoke, punk rocky nature of the place. They have ensconced lighting and boring wallpaper and boring art and big plants on the back bar/kitchen area. The PhotoHunt game is tucked away at the front and the video games are still there (as is the DJ area) but it's almost like those are going to be on their way out soon too. Poo. AND there was no kangaroo pizza, though what we had was pretty good.
From there to Club Charles which was pretty empty and less cool than I found it after seeing Borat last weekend (when it was packed and played great music). Finally to Dizzy's for curly fries and more PhotoHunt (damn you, Susansimeo and your lightning fingers!) and home.
Saturday was a PERFECT day - 75 degrees, sunny, amazing. We went up to Rocks State Park and climbed with Martin, Dave, Camilla, Lucy, Katrina, Anne and JP, and Richard. Nate was also there and let us jump on the 5.8 he'd just led, which was a big hand crack and, once I figured out what was going on, not terribly hard. We also bouldered a bit and did a 5.5 the gang had set up before leaving to catch Nick and Johanna at duckpin bowling in Patterson Park. A was whipping SCUD missiles down the lanes but couldn't manage to get a strike, while Edith surpassed all of us in an amazing come from behind trouncing in the 3rd game. My lucky green ball served me well and I broke 100 and had a few strikes.
We left to get pizza and wait for Laura to drive in from DC for salsa night, and as we were leaving I realized I'd lost my car keys. Somehow they fell off my key carabiner between the bowling alley and the pizza place, but we looked and couldn't find 'em. So Laura showed up and we went back with them, I got my extra set and they dropped us off before going to salsa, and all was ok. Now I get to go back and see
Chuck the Locksmith which I do not mind at all.
Sunday was cool and rainy, and we finished the crossword and had a nice brunch at Donna's, where Noah from Velocipede turned out to be our server! We got free coffee out of the deal, yay! Friends are awesome. :) Then we hit up Stranger Than Fiction in soulless Towson and the verdict was not bad, not bad at all. Will Ferrell was fantastic, subdued but so expressive. My favorite scene of his was, I think, when Dustin Hoffman is asking him a battery of questions to determine what kind of story he is in. The expressions on his face are just the epitome of normal-guy confusion, with a little hurt, a touch of frustration, and the ever so slight whiff of exasperation. Emma Thompson was quite good too but A was confused about Queen Latifah's role...she didn't really serve to move the plot along, except to allow ET to dialogue without sounding like a crazy person. Which is something, but not a lot.
We dropped A off at the bus stop and headed to DC for the show. Edith read me the Magazine's story about Will Ferrell on the way there and it convinced us that Talladega Nights should be next on our Netflix queue. One of my many bosses saw it this summer and spent 15 minutes trying to describe how it was the perfect movie, with the killer ending that reveals exactly how highbrow it has been the whole time. I didn't believe him then but now, armed with a bit more information, I'm willing to see for myself.